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If the Speaker Speaks 40 Days

Master Waleed Hashim


Price 5.00 BHD
Year 2021
Language Arabic


This session is about the power we give words spoken by others to determine our fates and personalities. Many fear achieving and following their dreams because of the perceived reaction or loss of approval by their society and loved ones. This session explains the childhood trauma behind this as well as the effects on the throat chakra fear of words could have. The session also takes us through the necessary steps to release our fear of people's opinions and enables us to use them rather than be used by them. The session as always includes a spiritual practice and an open question and answer session.


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Once you purchase the Audio Product it will be available in your Playlist. Your personal Playlist can be found when you log in and click My Account => Dashboard => Playlist. From there you can either Download your purchased product or Stream it in your browser. (Please note that there may be one or more files under a product.)

File Name
  • If the Talker Talks for 40 Days.mp3 ( 103.22 MB )
Package File size
103.22 MB